More leads, more leads, more leads. When you need more customers, it’s likely you think, “how can I get more people to call or email us for window tint”.
But there is another way, a much much better way to grow your window tinting business.
In this article we will discuss how you can increase sales for your window tint business by increasing your closing %.
What is Your “Closing %” and Why is it so Important?
Closing %, also referred to as “conversion rate” in this case refers to the how many people you give a quote to vs how many become your customer.
Let’s say on average you get 20 calls a day from people wanting a price quote for window tint … and out of those 20 inquiries, you schedule 6 of them, a 30% closing %.
If you’re looking for a way to get schedule more customers, you may think you need to increase your calls from 20 to 40 .. which should result in you scheduling about 12 of them, doubling your sales. And that is all great, but there is more to it than you may realize at first.
By doubling your phone calls, you’re literally doubling the time on the phone. If that is you taking those calls, where will that extra time now come from? Will it cost you time tinting cars? Will you need to hire someone to answer those extra calls? Thats great too, but that is an added expense that will come out of that added revenue, and also, don’t forget about the time it’ll take to find that person and train them to answer the phones.
Can you see where I’m going with this?
So Whats the Better Way?
This brings us back to closing %. If you go back to the original example, let’s say you’re getting 20 phone calls a day for price quotes … but instead of selling 6 of them, you’re able to sell 12 of them, increasing your closing % to 60%. The total sales result is the same as the first example, however the increase in revenue does not come with the increased work, time and expense.
Increasing your closing % is increasing your efficiency which means a more profitable, easier to manage, scalable business..
Easy Way to Increase Sales for Your Window Tint Business
Send a Quote via Text Message and Email to Every Inquiry
The phone rings, person asks:
“can you give me a price to tint a sedan?”
You: all side windows and the back window will be $180, any shade with a lifetime warranty.
Them: ok thanks ::click::
You: never hear from them again
How many times has that happened?
Ok now lets do it another way …
The phone rings, person asks:
“can you give me a price to tint a sedan?”
You: Absolutely … may I ask who I am speaking with?
Them: Janet
You: whats your phone number in case we get disconnected?
Them: 323-555-5555
You: What type of vehicle would you like to get tinted?
Them: 2019 Toyota Prius
You: all side windows and the back window will be $180, any shade with a lifetime warranty.
I’ll send you a copy of the quote along with our company info to your phone as soon as we get off the phone. Would you like me to email it to you as well?
(click, click, done)
Absolute Game Changer
People call around for pricing; it’s normal. And after they’ve called 3-4 tint shops, they may or may not have kept notes as to which shop quoted them what and from there, you can hope they’ll pick you, whether intentionally or by accident.
But by sending the quote to their phone, you’re putting your company contact info right there on their phone, professionally along side your quote for them to easily reference and contact you.
Now you may be thinking … you take a lot of calls in a day, how will you be able to send a quote to all of them. The answer is “very easily” with Tint Wiz.
As you’re talking to the person, you’ll enter their name and phone number into Tint Wiz. Then the year, make and model of the vehicle. Lastly, click “create proposal”, select the film type, price, and click send and Tint Wiz will send the quote to the customer in seconds.
If they give you their email too, it’ll go to their email as well but not necessary as long as you get their phone number.
You can even see when the customer views it, allowing you to follow up accordingly when time allows.
Try it and see how big of an instant impact it has on your business.