Managing an auto paint protection film business can be lucrative work that’s busy and engaging and satisfying, but working with clear bra wraps for cars also has its challenges. And we’re not talking about apply PPF to a uniquely-shaped sports car or an oversized truck cab, we’re talking about the challenges of marketing your paint wrap business, securing leads, booking jobs, and tracking it all, from customer outreach to scheduling work to tracking payments.
Fortunately, there are steps that can help you market a paint protection film business and tools you can use to manage customer relationships, maintain your schedule, and monitor the money.
But for any of it to matter, you have to have the customers coming in, and that means you need to get the word out. So let’s focus on marketing for a paint wrap company.
Table of contents
- Marketing a Clear Bra Installation Company: Getting Started
- Paint Protection Film / Clear Bra Marketing Basics
- PPF Business Marketing Strategies
- 1. Claim your Google Business listing
- 2. Build your clear bra installation website
- 3. Set up your PPF business Facebook page
- 4. Gather and manage online reviews
- 5. Create expert paint protection film content
- 6. Get more leads using Lead Capture on Tint Wiz
- 7. Use great customer service as a marketing strategy
- Make Marketing Clear Bra Paint Protection Part of Your Daily Routine
- About Tint Wiz
Marketing a Clear Bra Installation Company: Getting Started
Your paint protection business’s overall marketing strategy may eventually include radio spots, print ads, local TV commercials, mailed out flyers, and much, much more. But online marketing is always the best place to start because it’s cost-effective, readily flexible, and easy to scale. Your online marketing efforts can reach a wide audience without a lot of monetary investment and with relatively little time or effort, either. You won’t need to leave your office, you won’t need t invest in physical materials or ad buys, and you can get a real time, tangible sense of the efficacy of your work.
And you can get started marketing your paint wrap business online right away, even if you are are just starting your clear bra business and you have zero experience with online marketing. Also, you can get started without hiring anyone or paying an expert, so your timing is up to you. There are many effective marketing resources available online that are free and simple to use such as Google My Business, which is where we’ll start.
The seven best paint protection film business marketing strategies for use at any stage of your operations are:
1. Claim your Google Business listing
2. Create a clear bra website that converts
3. Set up a Facebook page for your paint wrap business
4. Seek out and manage online reviews, reposting them as needed
5. Create authoritative paint protection film content and post it on your site
6. Capture more leads using the Lead Capture feature in Tint Wiz on your site and social platforms
7. Use great customer service as a proactive marketing tool

Paint Protection Film / Clear Bra Marketing Basics
You did not start your clear bra business to be behind a computer all day working on your website Facebook and keyword research and SEO application. And don’t worry, you don’t have to spend all your time on marketing efforts like that. Marketing is a multi-pronged effort, and it can be worthwhile and fun.
You probably know more about marketing than you might think: coming up with a clear bra business name and logo, sharing the word with friends and family and colleagues, attending conventions and seminars and training sessions and networking there, and asking current customers for referrals are all great marketing practices.
But to make the most out of all of your marketing efforts, we suggest you start at the beginning: defining your brand.
Your brand is, in effect, the commitment you make to the customers. It is what makes you different from the competitors, and it’s the reason clints will choose you over any of the dozens other paint protection film businesses that come up when they Google “PPF for cars near me.”
But to make the most out of all of your marketing efforts, we suggest you start at the beginning: defining your brand.
Your brand is, in effect, the commitment you make to the customers. It is what makes you different from the competitors, and it’s the reason clints will choose you over any of the dozens other paint protection film businesses that come up when they Google “PPF for cars near me.”

PPF Business Marketing Strategies
Now that you have got the basics understood, we can start building up your online marketing efforts so you can attract more business.
Whether someone just got a new car or just got a new paint job, your PPF customer is looking for the nearest clear bra installer with a great reputation who can get the install done fast and well. They’re going to be influenced first and foremost by top internet search results – ask yourself how often you head to page 3 or 4 of Google search results – and then by positive reviews. And they will want a business they can get in touch with right away.

To win a customer’s business, your #1 marketing need is to be easy to find and second is to be very easy to reach. Here are the marketing tools that will have the biggest impact on how easily you get found:
1. Claim your Google Business listing
Google is where a majority of people go when they are looking for PPF. If you want them to find your paint wrap shop, you absolutely need to claim your Google My Business listing.
Setting up a local listing is quick and easy—all you need is a company name, an address, and accurate contact info. If you’re a mobile business and don’t have an address, you can use a functional physical mailing address to verify a listing and then you can choose to hide the address, instead showing a general service area.
2. Build your clear bra installation website
Step two to getting found on the web building and grow your online presence. A professional-looking website that’s crisp and easy to navigate will increase your online visibility and credibility and help you get more PPF leads.
Keep your paint protection film website simple and clean so potential customers can easily find the info they need. You can add lots of content later, but when you do, add it to new pages, leaving the home page and contact info very clear and crisp. Here are a few essential elements of a PPF business website that will help bring in leads and converts to business
– A professional business name and memorable logo
– A few pointers about your competitive difference (also known as the selling points!)
– A phone number
– Info on the region/locations your business serves
– A list of the services provided with very brief descriptions
– An easy way for customers to request work, such as a Lead Capture tool
– Display any awards and accreditations
– Display photos and/or reviews that praise for your work
If you have never made a website before, don’t worry. There are multiple free or inexpensive platforms you can use – such as SquareSpace or Wix or WordPress – for website creation and PicMonkey or Canva or similar platforms can help with logo design. Or you can hire someone, but it’s best to spend the time and learn yourself. YouTube has lots of helpful tutorials.
3. Set up your PPF business Facebook page
A Facebook business page will help your PPF business be in touch with potential customers, help it appear in Google search results, and ultimately help you book more jobs. A professional (not personal!) Facebook page is a good way to be found quickly because of the large yet targeted reach you can gain with Facebook ads.
Facebook’s share features are also a slid asset when you are getting the word out at first and as time goes on. While not the trendiest platform of the day, of all the extant social media platforms, Facebook has far and away the most users and it offers the most conversion-friendly features. Also, a Facebook business page is free and quite easy to make.
We’re about to talk about how you can optimize your paint wrap business’s Facebook page to secure more leads. But note that in order to get the desired results, you need to be sure your page is well-optimized for your goals. The difference between regular Facebook pages and optimized Facebook pages is like having a random bulletin board plastered with notes and pictures and such and a crisp billboard that displays clear images and a precise message.
4. Gather and manage online reviews
Positive reviews give potential new clients the confidence they need to trust your services. Additionally, reviews can help your local Google page appear ahead of other companies that have fewer reviews. Great write ups about your shop can also have a positive effect on your website’s search rankings.
Here are some tips to start generating high quality reviews:
1. Send all customers a follow-up email after their clear bra job is complete. You tell them the work is done and the car ready, and while you are communicating, ask for some feedback.
2. If the feedback they give positive, send a subsequent polite request for a review with a link right to your Google Business or your Facebook page. Most people will be happy to leave a review if you simply ask nicely.
3. Next, consider automating the review request process using tools available on Tint Wiz. Customers can be automatically prompted to give a review on any site you direct to.
5. Create expert paint protection film content
PPF is a specialized industry, so most consumers don’t know much all that much about it. You can help your clientele feel educated and empowered by sharing great informative clear bra content, and in so doing you can win their trust and, ideally, their business.
This approach to a marketing strategy is called content marketing. The goal of content marketing is creating interesting, shareable content – such as blogs, short Instagram videos, infographics, Youtube videos, and so on — that display your expertise and keep your services on the radar of prospective customers.
An effective strategy you can use that does not require much effort is to create content based on recently completely PPF installations. Share pictures of the work your and your team did and write up a description about what was done for the client. Write the content as if you’re talking right to a customer, using words customers typically speak to you. As in try not to use specialized industry terms that someone off the street may not understand. Know your audience, in other words.
If writing is not easy for you, you can still make great content. Consider recording a simple video of clear bra jobs using your camera or smartphone. Videos are a solid way to engage your client base, and you can post videos on a website, social media, or even in paid ads.
6. Get more leads using Lead Capture on Tint Wiz
The Lead Form feature of the Tint Wiz platform lets you capture customer information whether they are engaging with your website, social media, scanning a QR code, and more. When a potential customer submits info to you, you will be instantly notified by Tint Wiz, and what’s more, all of that customer’s info is stored by Tint Wiz and is ready for you to act on, with no typing or copying pasting from email or a text or anything else – not to mention no transcribing from a call!
Once a lead is captured, you can get in touch with your potential customer via phone, or just send a quote through SMS text message or email with just a few clicks. Tint Wiz allows you to see when the customer has checked the proposal, and it also enables you to send automatic follow ups. Tint Wiz automatically follows up by email 24 hours after last contact if the customer has not checked the proposal, and it does so again 48 hours later if the proposal has yet to be approved.
Using automations like these helps keep your workflow, efficient, consistent, and effective without any potential business getting missed or forgotten, real risks as your business grows and gets busier

7. Use great customer service as a marketing strategy
Of course advertising and social media are major pieces of the marketing plan, but great customer service the most highly effective, low cost, and long-term path to growth for any paint wrap business.
Great customer service will help grow your business in two ways:
1. You will secure repeat business from happy clients, and repeat business is cheaper and more valuable, because you have already done the work of getting their attention, gaining their trust, and getting the job secured and done.
2. Satisfied customers tend spread the word and offer personal referrals, and will always recommend you when someone asks where they had a job done.
Using a PPF business management software like Tint Wiz allows you to rapidly access customers information any time you need, and from anywhere, which means better customer satisfaction due to the efficient and personalized communicating and it means more efficiency for the business. It’s a true win-win for both the shop and the customers.

Make Marketing Clear Bra Paint Protection Part of Your Daily Routine
Little tasks like adding new pictures to a Google My Business listing, Yelp page, Facebook page, and to your website will make a big difference over time in terms of your overall online presence. Done regularly, the little things add up to be big.
There are myriad simple tasks that can be done throughout the course of each day, like educating prospective clints about products over the phone, engaging in meaningful social media conversations, and asking past customers for feedback and reviews.
Take note of all frequently ask questions and use those as marketing material, writing an FAQ list and even specific blogs or articles addressing specific issues. Connect with targeted companies on social media platforms, growing a network. Make your marketing strategy a daily focus until it becomes second nature, and watch as you get good at it, needing to spend less and less time for more and more results.
All these little daily efforts will add up to a major boost for your business.
It’s not easy to dive into any new arena, but it does get easier over time. And it pays over time, too.

About Tint Wiz
Tint Wiz is a business management platform for PPF and window tint businesses that keeps track of every aspect of clients and work in one place and that automates day-to-day operations, so window paint wrap and tint businesses can provide great customer service while running at maximum efficiency.